“Switchback” is finally here and as I’ve said before, I am extremely excited for everyone to read this book. This story contains so many of my favorite things and I hope that’s conveyed throughout the text, leaving you just as excited when you get through. Here’s a brief synopsis to get your going: *** Sierra […]
“SWITCHBACK” Cover Reveal

Hello everyone! I am so excited to reveal the cover for my newest book, “Switchback,” which will be out very soon. This story encompasses many of my great loves, mountain biking being a big one, so when you read it, you’ll be getting a big dose of things I’ve either done or dream of doing. […]
Teaser Tuesday: SWITCHBACK

The release of my newest novel has taken longer than planned, but I am still hard at work and hope to have it out to you all soon. “Switchback” is a modern day romance set in the world of competitive women’s downhill mountain biking. The story follows Sierra Cody, a rising star, and Dr. Kara […]
Sarah Sawyer Rides Again! Ch 1 Sneak Peek

On March 29, Sarah rides again and there is sure to be more mayhem as the past comes back to haunt them, threatening everything they’d worked so hard to build. Here’s an early look at the first chapter of her next journey…
The Journey Continues

What’s true in life, is also true in writing. There’s an adventure around every corner and quite often, you have no idea where you’re headed, but you keep plugging away anyway. Everyday is a journey, at home, at work and on paper. In writing, however, you get to decide the ultimate outcome. If only life worked […]
Celebrate #SBLJ Release with a Giveaway

Tommorow is the big day! The release of my very first novel, “Somewhere Between Love and Justice,” has finally arrived. To celebrate, I’m giving away one free paperback on Goodreads. You can enter to win HERE. Words can’t adequately express my excitement. This story has been a labor of love and publishing has been quite […]
Sneak Peek at SBLJ Chapter 1

In case you were wondering what “Somewhere Between Love and Justice” is all about, you can get a good look at gunslinger Sarah Walker right here in chapter one. A little girl who’s lost everything, grows into a woman with nothing to lose and hell bent on revenge. She’s got a plan, but soon finds […]