Hello everyone! It’s May already? 2021 is cruising right along. I feel so far behind. I promised a return to featuring authors, so today I’d like to introduce you to Linda North. Linda enjoys letting her imagination run wild in the scifi romance genre. Her latest is a revision of her novel Deep Merge: An […]
Reading, Writing, and Taking Care of You
Hello everyone! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted here and I hope that you are all finding ways to get through these crazy times. I have been doing alot of reading and focusing on my health. I wish I had some amazing news of a new release, but alas, like many of […]
A Different Kind of March Madness
Hello everyone! I hope you are all staying safe and healthy. This is definitely a time unmatched by any in history and I am certain we will come out of it with new perspectives. Hopefully, that includes being more respectful of one another. For those who are still working outside of your homes, much thanks […]
New Year, New Look!

Hello everyone and happy 2020! I hope it’s off to a great start for you. Been pretty busy myself getting things set up for the year. Out with the old and in with the new…mostly. I have a new website design (thanks to Tracee Alley- @teamalley678 on Twitter in case you need a designer), a […]
New Release: “The Love Doctor” has arrived!

Hello everyone! At long last, I am happy to announce that the doctor is finally in! If you’ve followed along on social media, you may have caught the character introductions and excerpts and now you can find out how it all ends. Today you can grab your Kindle copy of The Love Doctor here. Print will be […]
Author Meet & Greet: M. Ullrich

Hello everyone! I hope April is treating you all well. We’ve been fortunate to have some cooler weather in Florida, but summer is upon us as it is heating up in a hurry. As for me, I’ve been busy, busy finishing up my next book, The Love Doctor. I’m hoping for a May release, but […]
Your questions answered and more!

Hello again everyone! I hope March has been kind and that those of you in the stormy areas are faring well. I am happy to report some great progress on my next book, The Love Doctor (another sneak peek below). The talented Cindy Bamford is hard at work on the cover and I’ve had nice […]
And Away We Go…

What’s on tap for 2019 and an excerpt from my upcoming romance.
Author Meet & Greet: Lise MacTague

Hello everyone, Can you believe it’s December already? This year has gone so fast for me at times I could hardly catch my breath. Even more unbelievable is that I actually fulfilled my goal of a blog per month. I feel so accomplished. However will I top it? Undecided at the moment, but for […]
Author Meet & Greet: Andi Marquette

Hello everyone! It’s November and the holiday season is upon us. I don’t know about you, but I am so ready for a few extra days off, some yummy holiday food (it won’t be very Keto :D), and all the decorations. I just love the ambiance of this time of year, and a few […]